Madame la Marquise

Nominated on:Best Music Video

Film Info

Film Year: 2018

Film Duration: 4 min

Country: France


Jeremi Durand

Film Category

Jeremi Durands powerful video for French rapper Keny Arkana imagines a near-future society at breaking point. Referencing the sentiment of wilful blinkeredness when the world around you is going to hell – as expressed in Paul Misraki’s 1935 song from which it takes its title – Arkanas Madame la Marquise calls out modern society’s indifference to the destructive path we’re on. Thats brought vividly to life by Durand through the use of faceless almost humanoid dancers, a deserted cityscape, and the freedom expressed through a drifting BMW contrained within huge barriers arranged in a square. The intensity is heightened by the clever use of stock footage and VFX.